This event gives participants an ideal platform in which to meet and share information. Each day you will see all participants over the three days. Virtual events are great opportunities to network with others – so please make the most of this platform and reach out to colleagues to collaborate on challenges, best practices and share ideas.
Participating during the panel discussions and meeting like-minded colleagues is the essence of this interactive conference. You can actively engage in private conversations with other participants or invite others to join you in round table discussions. Exchanging ideas, sharing information and being active in helping to create sustainable change is valuable to the success of these three days. We ask you to make the most of this time and don’t be hesitant in reaching out.
The Health & Humanitarian Conference series is organized each year by the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech in partnership with INSEAD, MIT, and Northeastern University, with generous support from corporate and other organizational sponsors.
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