
Please note that all times noted were Greenwich Mean Time (time zone converter).

Day 1: Middle East/Africa | September 20, 2021

8am Welcome to HHL Conference 2021 Moderator: George Fenton, Humanitarian Logistics Association
  Introduction and Keynote Speech Pamela Steele, Supply Chain Transformation Director, Pamela Steele Associates Ltd
8:45am Panel Discussion: Sustainable Local Procurement

Kat Sellers, Programme Manager, Field Ready

Facilitator: Farah Mazine, Operations Director, Action Against Hunger 

  Panel Discussion: Health Supply Chain Capacity Development

Prof Mojisola Adeyeye, Director-General, NAFDAC Nigeria

Facilitator: Isle Larkin, Supply Chain & Logistics Officer, WFP

Facilitator: Sophie Molle, Senior Manager Healthcare Community Engagement, GS1

Facilitator: Virginie Bohl, Senior International Expert, IMPACCT Working Group

  Panel Discussion: Last Mile Delivery

Edward O'Connor, Programme Support Manager, Transaid
Susan Bornstein, World Bicycle Relief

Facilitator: Alan Braithwaite, Philanthropist, Trans-India Challenge

9:25am Breakout Workshop Areas on Each Theme as above Supported by facilitators on each topic
10:15am Networking, Innovation Hub; showcasing sector innovations, Poster Stands; presentations on new sector learnings Innovations: Two Wheels for Life, Kijenzi, Field Rady, WFP, Catalyst2030, UNICEF, OX
11am Workshop Summary & Actions - summary from each topic, feedback and final statement - Identifying actions per topic for the HLA Advocacy groups to take forward Moderator/Facilitators
11:30-12:30pm Open Access Networking/Innovation Hub/Poster Presentations  

Day 2: Asia | September 21, 2021

6am Welcome to HHL Conference 2021 Moderator: George Fenton, Humanitarian Logistics Association
  Introduction and Keynote Speech Dorothy Leab, Directing Manager and Senior Health System Strengthening Expert, GaneshAID, Vietnam
6:45am Panel Discussion: Sustainable Local Procurement

Juliet Bvekwa, Supply Chain Manager, IOM Bangladesh

Facilitator: Gaynor Tanyang, ACE & DELSA Programme Coordinator, The ASEAN Coordinating centre for humanitarian assistance on disaster mgt. - AHA Centre

  Panel Discussion: Health Supply Chain Capacity Development

Dr. Rawinkhan Srinon, Lecturer in Logistics & Health Supply Chain Management, Mahidol University. Thailand

Facilitator: Dr. Harlina Suzana Jaafar, Academic Member of National Logs Task Force at Ministry of Transport, Malaysia, University Teknologi Mara

Facilitator: Charlie Villasenor, Chairman, PASIA.

  Panel Discussion: Last Mile Delivery

Dr. Thomas E. Fernandez, Supply Chain & Logistics Consultant, HLA

Facilitator: Alan Braithwaite, Philanthropist, Trans-India Challenge

Facilitator: Dr. Ruth Banomyong (PhD), Lecturer, researcher, and consultant, Thammasat Business School, Bankok

7:30am Breakout Workshop Areas on Each Theme as above Supported by facilitators
8:15am Networking, Innovation Hub; showcasing sector innovations, Poster Stands; presentations on new sector learnings Innovations: Two Wheels for Life, Kijenzi, Field Rady, WFP, Catalyst2030, UNICEF
8:45am Workshop Summary & Actions - summary from each topic, feedback and final statement - Identifying actions per topic for the HLA Advocacy groups to take forward Moderator/Facilitators/Panelists
9:15-9:45am Open Access Networking/Innovation Hub/Poster Presentations  

Day 3: Americas | September 22, 2021

3pm Welcome to HHL Conference 2021 Moderator: Dr. Julie Swann, NCSU
  Introduction and Keynote Speech Dr. Analía Porras, Advisor, Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO)
3:45pm Panel Discussion: Sustainable Local Procurement

Prof. Irineu de Brito Jnr, San Paulo State University

Facilitator: Andrew Parkes, Global Operations Manager, Malaria Consortium

  Panel Discussion: Health Supply Chain Capacity Development

Dr. Sema Sgaier, Co-Founder and CEO, Surgo Ventures

Facilitator: George Fenton, Humanitarian Logistics Association (HLA)

  Panel Discussion: Last Mile Delivery

Rolando M. Tomasini, Head of Regional Unit, UNOPS

Facilitator: Brian Futterman, Pilot, America Airlines

4:30pm Breakout Workshop Areas on Each Theme as above Supported by facilitators
5:15pm Networking, Innovation Hub; showcasing sector innovations, Poster Stands; presentations on new sector learnings Innovations: Two Wheels for Life, Kijenzi, Field Rady, WFP, Catalyst 2030, UNICEF
  Moderator to receive feedback from each workshop  
6:00pm Workshop Summary & Actions - summary from each topic, feedback and final statement - Identifying actions per topic for the HLA Advocacy groups to take forward Moderator: Panelists: Facilitators
6:30pm Open Access Networking/Innovation Hub/Poster Presentations Moderator/Facilitators/Panelists

Event Notes

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Previous Conferences

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About the Conference Series

The Health & Humanitarian Conference series is organized each year by the Center for Health and Humanitarian Systems (CHHS) at Georgia Tech in partnership with INSEAD, MIT, and Northeastern University, with generous support from corporate and other organizational sponsors.

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  • humlogconf (@)
  • 755 Ferst Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332